About Me

My whole life I have been fascinated by food culture and the way in which food brings individuals together. Sharing nourishment of body and spirit crosses all cultures and truly bonds individuals. I have spent my adult life observing and studying techniques and recipes and marveled at the similarities in cuisine that every culture shares.

Sweets are an extension of that, They are a constant… found in every culture and every cuisine, they break down the toughest of barriers and bring out the child in us all.

From my elementary school days of checking out cookbooks from the local library, to my fascination with gingerbread houses and my twenty-somethings spent as an apprentice in a French bakery, learning my craft from a different perspective, I have always remained passionate and fascinated about the simple way which nourishment is a tie that binds.

I was fortunate enough years ago to achieve my lifelong dream — many never have that opportunity — and having owned my own bakery I have seen the industry from all angles. I have decided to combine my passion for delving into cultural culinary connections, with my love of historical and abiding ties to food and nourishment passed down by loving matriarchs for generations.

Every culture has their version of “Meemaw” She is Nana, Nonna, Bubbe, Savta, Lola, Meme, Abuela, Granny, Gammi, Ona, Oma, Yaya, the list goes on and on… and so does Meemaw. She embodies all that draws me to my profession as a Chef.

For it is in the sharing of food, treats and nourishment of any kind, that we become what we are deep inside. It exposes the honest core of who we are when no one is watching, our goodness, or jovial moments, our humanity. Food is not just a passing moment, it literally changes us — our chemistry, our balance, and our interactions.

Without the Meemaws to continue the art of the recipe, there would be only the science of eating and sustenance. And with all that in mind, I welcome you!